E.Comp Michael Robert Richards, PAGSoj P2ndProvGPrin (Suffolk
It is with great sadness that I must inform you that E Comp Michael Robert Richards PAGSoj P2ndProvGPrin (Suffolk), passed to the Grand Chapter Above on 17th February 2024.
Mike was a great advocate of the Royal Arch in Suffolk and a committed 2nd Grand Principal, attending many Chapters during his time as 2nd GP, promoting the Royal Arch whenever he could.
E.Comp John Norris, PGStdB, PPGS, PGR., PPGSE
Passed to the Grand Chapter above 4th June 2023.
John died peacefully on Sunday.

E.Comp Bryan Phillip O’Keeffe, PGSwdG, PGS, PGStdB
Passed to the Grand Chapter above 14th January 2023
E.Comp Dennis Edwin Simmonds, G.Stwd, AGDC, GS
Passed to the Grand Chapter above 13th January 2023.
The funeral service of W Bro Dennis Simmonds will take place at St. John the Baptist Church, Orwell Road, Felixstowe on Friday 10th February 2023 at 3pm. The subsequent committal service at Seven Hills will be family only. Wake will be at the Orwell Hotel where the family will join in due course.
Donations in memory of Dennis may be made via the following link – dennissimmonds.muchloved.com
E.Comp Richard Alexander Crane, PGTreas (Eng), P3rd ProvGPrin (Surrey)
Passed to the Grand Chapter above on 10th January 2023. He was a member of Adair Chapter and of SIFP Chapter since 2019. He was aged 88 years.
He lived respected and died regretted.
Comp George Percival Prior
Passed to the Grand Chapter above 1st January 2023
Comp Ian Robin Knowles
Passed to the Grand Chapter above 4th January 2023
Comp Edwin Anthony Russell
Passed to the Grand Chapter above 15th December 2022
E.Comp. Michael John Page, PProvGSwdB (Norfolk), St Michael’s 305
16 February
E.Comp. Peter William Thomas Hadlett, PPGSN, Chapter of Prudence 388, Chapter of Prudence 388,
26 March
Comp. George Mitchell Nisbet, St Andrew’s 1631
3 May
E.Comp. Walter Beverley, Martin, PPGSoj, Chapter of Wisdom 9333
10 May
Comp. David Eric Hatt, St Michael’s 305
27 June
Comp. Christopher John Barnard, Felix United Service 3833
30 June
Comp. William Colin Jennings, Royal Clarence 1823, Royal Clarence 1823,
11 July
E.Comp. Leonard Cecil Howard, PPGSN, Priory 4618, Suffolk Provincial Grand Stewards’ 9215,
17 July
E.Comp. Ernest John Hutton, PPGSN , St Andrew’s 1631, St Margaret’s 1452, Suffolk Installed First Principals 3913,
19 July
E.Comp. Colin George Davies, PPGReg, Phoenix and Ala 516
26 July
Comp. Jack Bowen Crawford, Lowestoft 71
24 July
E.Comp. Harvey Middlemiss Spindler, PPGSN, SLGCR, St Luke’s 225, Suffolk Installed First Principals 3913
11 August
Comp. Robert David Clubb, PPGJan, Priory 4618
17 August
Comp. John Richard Mabb, Triune 114
27 August
Comp. Barry Owen Harding, Felix 2371,
28 August
Comp. Raymond Thomas Anderson, Royal York 81
2 October
Comp. Keith James Ibbetson, 71 East Point Millennium 9704
19 October
Comp. Ivan Kennel, Felix 2371
26 October
E.Comp. Comp. Joseph Frank James Faulkner, P3rd ProvGPrin, PProvGSoj (Berks.), Triune 114, Chapter of Wisdom 9333, Orwell 6637, Suffolk Installed First Principals C913, Faith 2438,
30 October
Comp. Charles Thomas Fayers, Lowestoft 71
4 November
E.Comp. Raymond Ronald Calver, PPGSN, St Andrew’s 163
15 November
E.Comp. John Herbert Dye, PProvGReg (Herts.), Suffolk Installed First Principals 3913
18 November
Comp. Frederick James Leach, Triune 114
21 November
Ex.Comp. Harvey Spindler, G.StdB (Eng), PGS, St Luke’s 225 and SIFP 3913.
It is with regret that we inform you of the death of Harvey after a brief illness. He passed to the Grand Chapter above on 11th August at Ipswich Hospital.
Funeral Arrangements:
A non-religious cremation service to celebrate the life of Harvey Spindler is to be held at, Seven Hills Crematorium, Felixstowe Road, Nacton, Ipswich. IP10 0FG On Friday 9th September at 9.45 am Afterwards, guests are invited to join the Family for light refreshment, followed by a buffet lunch at: Hadleigh Town Hall IP7 5DN
Contributions to the chosen charities may be made to the Funeral Directors, Roy Gwinnell & Sons, 32 High St, Hadleigh. IP7 5AP – Tributes & Donations – R.Gwinnell & Sons – Riding for the Disabled (Shelley Centre) and East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices.
Ex.Comp. Colin George Davies, Phoenix and Ala Chapter 516
Ex.Comp. Colin passed to the Grand Chapter on the 26th July 2022.
The funeral of Colin will take place at the West Suffolk Crematorium, Risby, Bury St Edmunds IP28 6RR at 3:00pm on Friday 19th August. Condolences to his widow Terrie and family.
Ex.Comp. Len Howard, Priory Chapter 4618
Ex.Comp. Len, passed to the G Chapter above on the 17th July 2022.
Len will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Comp. Ernest John Hutton, PProvGSN, Suffolk Order of Merit, Suffolk Inst. First Principals 3913
Ex.Comp. Ernest, passed to the G Chapter above on the 19th July 2022.
He had been a member of the SIFP Chapter since 2003 but had been unable to attend for some time. He was also a member of St Margaret’s Chapter. He was aged 93 years.
Comp. David Colin Scarfe, Felix Chapter 2371
Comp. David, passed to the G Chapter above on the 27th January 2022.
A good and Loyal member of the Chapter, he will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Ex.Comp. W. Bunn, PAGDC, Royal Alexandra 959
Ex.Comp. Bill Bunn, passed to the G Chapter above on the 28th November 2021.
A good and Loyal member, as well as a Past Officer of the Chapter, he will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Ex.Comp. J. W. Yeldham, AGS Eng. Priory Chapter, 4618
It is with great regret that I have to inform you that Wx.Comp John W Yeldham PSGD Eng, PAPGM Suffolk, passed to the Grand Lodge above on Saturday morning 27th November, following a period of ill health.
Ex.Comp John has been a major influence in Suffolk Freemasonry for almost fifty years and was well known throughout the province in the many offices that he held during an illustrious masonic career.
The RWPGM has asked that his family’s privacy is respected for the time being.
Comp. Peter Jackson, Abbot Baldwin Chapter 8656
Peter sadly passed away earlier this year. Our condolences to his family and friends.
Dear Companions
It is with great regret that I inform you of the sudden tragic passing of WBro/Excellent Companion Nicholas Brian Le-Grys, “my friend” and Brother.
I have known Nick over 25 years, we have shared many Car/Plane journeys over those years, our shared passion and love of cars, when they weren’t fast enough for Nick we took to the sky’s, travelling the length and breadth of the UK enjoying both Freemasonry and our friendship. During that time he shared many stories of his interesting life.
With regards to Freemasonry Nicks talent was paperwork he was our Provincial Scribe “E”, his help was invaluable to me during my time as Grand Superintendent, he found a purpose in Freemasonry and grasped it with both hands.
I apologise for not returning calls or emails to those of you that phoned and emailed yesterday, dealing with the death of a very dear friend was deeply emotional and traumatic.
Nick was indeed a larger than life character who’s presence will be missed in the coming months and years, as we return to Freemasonry our 9o/c toast will be more poignant than ever to many of us.
With my kindest regards to you all – David Boswell
E.Comp Nick Le Grys PGStwd
Chapter of Wisdom 9333, Suffolk GSwd Chaper 9215
Nick sadly assed away on 11th August 2021 Condolences to his family and friends.
E.Comp. David Harold Last, PPGR, Martyn Chapter 1224
David sadly passed away on 1st July 2021. Our thoughts and prayers are with him, his family and friends.
E.Comp. Bernard George (Ben) Bullen, PPDGDC, Magna Carta Chapter 8017
Ben sadly passed away on 21st May 2021. He was exalted into Magna Carta Chapter 8017 on 22nd May 1995. Condolences to his widow Pat and daughters Claire and Dawn.
E.Comp. Peter Leveridge, Tercentenary Chapter 9276
Peter sadly passed away on 6th May 2021
Peter nursed his wife for several years in Ipswich later moving into Westerfield House Care Home.
9306 – Rotary Lodge
E. Comp Andrew Arthur Goom, Triune Chapter 114
Andrew sadly passed away at Ipswich Hospital on Thursday 22nd April 2021.
His Chapters were as follows:
4234 – Paulatim, London. MEZ 1994-5
114 – Triune, Suffolk
7464 – Euclid Chapter of First Principals, London
Comp. Edmund Patrick Worby, Mildenhall Chapter 6292
It is deep regret that to inform you of the passing to Grand Lodge above of Comp. Ted Worby on 12th April 2021.
Condolences of the Chapter Exec to Ted’s family and all the Members of Mildenhall.
E. Comp. Cyril Webb, Felix United Service Chapter 3833
It is deep regret that to inform you of the passing to Grand Lodge above of E. Comp. Cyril Webb on 25th February 2021.
Cyril was well known in the town having a shop in Orwell Road for many years. A Founder member of our Chapter and a member of Felix Lodge. He was made an Honorary member of our Chapter in May 2019. He was 84 years old.
Condolences go to his family and friends – Scribe E
E. Comp James Anthony Daltry, PPGSN, Phoenix and Ala Chapter 516
Sadly passed away on Sunday 14th February 2021. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
Comp. Trevor Keith Gant, Felix United Service Chapter 3833
It is with the deepest regret and sadness that I must announce the passing of Companion Trevor Keith Gant on 14th February 2021. Our condolences go to Judy, his son Matt and his girls. Trevor was a one off; a big man, a big heart and a big mason.
Comp Edwin Dixon Cattermole, Phoenix and Ala Chapter 516
Sadly passed away on Monday 1st February 2021. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
E Comp Ian B Johnson GStB, PPGSN, Abbot Baldwin 8656
Sadly passed away on the 22nd January, after catching Coronavirus following a spell in hospital for Chemotherapy.
E. Comp. Ewen Stamp PPGSwdB Sparta Chapter 9771
It is with great sadness to announce the passing of the Sparta Chapter treasurer and Founder, E Comp. Ewen Stamp.
He had suffered bravely with prostate cancer for some time and succumbed to the condition on Friday, January 15th. He was always willing to do any work in the Chapter requested of him and was always cheerful and had an infectious chuckle.
He will be sorely missed by all of us who knew him.
E Comp Richard Vickerstaff Snr., PPDepGDC, Royal Sussex 376
It is with much sadness I have to inform you that E Comp Richard Vickerstaff Snr., PPDepGDC passed to the Grand Lodge above earlier this morning (7th January 2021).
Our thoughts and prayers are with our own MEZ Richard Jnr, and his family, at this very sad time.
With a very heavy heart, Kelvin – Scribe E
E Comp Peter Niven, Royal Alexandra Chapter 959
It is with a heavy heart I must inform you that Excellent Companion Peter Niven, has pass to the Grand Chapter above. His daughter contacted me and asked me to inform you that he had passed away in the early hours, 2nd January 2021. The Hospital had allowed the family to be with him since New Years Eve, they were able to say their goodbyes.
I shall personally miss Peter as he has been a friend, proposer and Mentor during my Masonic journey and I am sure a close friend to many of the members.
YSF, E Comp Glen Rae
E Comp Gil Corbett, PAGSoj. Past TGP
24th December 2020. He will be sadly missed.
E Comp Michael Bert Francis Cole Grand Stewards Chapter 9215
Michael died of a heart attack on 16 November 2020.
As well as a Member of Stewards Chapter he was also a Member of Prudence. He will be sadly missed! RIP.
Comp Robert Arnold Rider Mildenhall Chapter 6292
Died on 19th November 2020
E Comp Michael Bert Francis Cole Chapter of Prudence No 388
Michael died of a heart attack after being flown to N & N Hospital.
Until his health deteriorated in the last few years, he was a stalwart of the Chapter and also his Lodge of Prudence.
E Comp Robert Whisson PGSwdB – Phoenix & Ala 516
It is with great sadness that I advise that E Comp. Bob Whisson passed away 12 October. He was at home and fortunately his two sons, who both live abroad, had travelled in time to be there with him.
E Comp Trevor Keith Greenow PPDepGDC., known to us as Keith or Taffy – Felix United Service 3833
Taffy was a retired Petty Officer RN, medical branch and lived in Shotley. He was 91 years old.
He died at Noon on the 14th September 2020 in the Ipswich Hospital, after a very severe though short illness.
His Widow, Pat, is being well supported by their two sons Allan and David.
Keith was a much loved and in different times would have needed a large Church for the funeral.
E Comp Lesley Richard Peachey PPGSN – White Rose Chapter 1008
Died on 5th September 2020
E Comp Douglas Mitchell, PProvGSwdB – Lowestoft Chapter 71
Died on 12 June 2020
Comp./Bro. Gordon Steggall
It is with much sadness and a very heavy heart, that I have to report the passing of Companion/Brother Gordon Steggall to the Grand Lodge above, on Monday 4th August, 2020.
He will be missed by all who knew him and laughed with him.
Although not a member of either Lodge or Chapter Faith, Gordon has been our Tyler/Janitor for many years.
E Comp Derek Charles Barnard, PPGSoj – Magna Carta 8017
Derek died on Monday 4th August, 2020.
Comp Trevor J Rose Royal Sussex Chapter of Perfect Friendship 376
Trevor died on 29th July 2020.
He was exalted in March 2017. A really lovely man.
E Comp David Walter Durrant, PPGSN – St Margaret’s 1452
David died on 6th July 2020.
Comp. Peter Whipps – Phoenix and Ala 516
Peter was a joining member of Ala Lodge in October 2017. He had been unable to attend the Chapter in the few months prior to lockdown. It appears he was in Ipswich Hospital recovering from a broken hip when he became infected with, and succumbed to, Corona Virus. Peter was aged 77 years, a widower. He was also member of a London Lodge from 1977.
E.Comp. Brian William Keable – St. Michael’s 305
Brian died on the 20th April 2020
E.Comp. Val Overett – Phoenix and Ala Chapter 516
Val was, as many of us will remember, Scribe E and the Director of Ceremonies for Ala Lodge for many years and was responsible for the standard of ritual performed by many of the senior members of the Chapter and Lodge who worked under his tutelage.
Val resigned some time ago when he fell victim to Dementia. He was a lovely man, an excellent Mason and Companion and I know that you will be saddened by his passing.
Val died on the 1st April 2020 in the Finborough Court Care home. There will be a private cremation with a celebration of Vals life to be held at a future date.
Donations if wished to The British Heart Foundation care of Andrew Bingham, independent funeral service, The Nutshell, Milton Road South, Stowmarket.
Comp. Barrie Michael Chester – White Rose 1008
Barrie died on the 14 April 2020
400 hits 2020